Thursday, April 28, 2016

Leather, Friend or Foe

I am such a boot girl.  My entire fall and winter wardrobe is designed around my boots, I know, how shallow of me.  But look at them,  they are like a walk down memory lane.  My first pair was from Robin right after Cassidy was born and I'm still wearing them.  How many things last 26 years and never go out of style?  The next pair was snagged out of mom's closet because they didn't fit her.  Yay for me, sorry for her.  The fabulous turquoise pair was a Christmas surprise from my children a few years ago with a little hint from my bff Heather.  And of course, Jr/Sr banquet at school forced me to buy this next pair to finish off the perfect outfit, like anyone was looking at me anyway.  And the last pair, ummm,  I think I just had a weak moment and treated myself..... No judging....There's just nothing better than the feel and smell of real leather, so rich, so tough, so durable and rugged and so long lasting, don't you agree?

But here's the problem, leather embellishing your feet, fabulous, but a leather look on your face, a NO GO!!!! Who wants to look in the mirror and be reminded of your favorite boots?  That would not be me.  In Song Of Solomon, the bridegroom is proclaiming his love to his bride and tells her that her hair is like a flock of goats and her teeth are like a flock of newly shorn ewes. Her neck is like the tower of David, built with rows of stones on which are hung a thousand shields. I hope that Robin doesn't take note of that and say to his bride, that would be me, Cathy, your face is like your favorite pair of  old boots, so tough and so durable and so long lasting..... and your neck, your neck is like the broken in part of your boots and hung with a thousand wrinkles and lines, so rugged, so durable.  Can I have a show of hands for anyone that dreams of hearing those words sung over you?  AGAIN, NOT ME.  So just in time,  Cassidy comes to the rescue.  She not only advises her daddy not to proclaim words of love like that to me but also is now a consultant for Rodan+Fields.  It's a great skin care regimen for all ages of beauty.  Does this sound like a plug?  It is!!!  The first thing on my wish list is the micro exfoliating roller that I am going to use to  roll the leather right off my face.  You should see the before and after pictures.  I can hardly wait.  Actually, Cassidy's  having her "launch" party at my house on May 14th at 11 am.  Ya'll should all come.  Rumor has it there will be macaroons  made especially by Cassidy. She's a girl of many talents.  Let me know if you want me to reserve one for you.  It will be great fun.

      So remember, leather on feet, GOOD,   leather on face, BAD

       Keep laughing, it's good medicine and doesn't cause  

Thursday, March 31, 2016

More Ridiculousness

A word of wise warning, NEVER have a pity party during hunting season, it doesn't turn out well and Robin is NOT  laughing.

.......ok read this next part like Sargent Joe Friday from  Dragnet, remember???

Curtain opens:  It's hunting season, Saturday morning.

Stage left:  Cathy is sitting alone, Robin is MIA along with any other male specie with the last name of Chesser.  Alyrose and Wyatt are also out on an adventure.  It's quiet...... too quiet.  Danger is lurking in Cathy's mind.......a place of instability and mystery.  The thoughts start slow, then start running madly in all directions.  "Robin loves hunting more than me.......Cassidy and Dorian will be leaving soon for a military life and I'll be alone, Seth and Shannon are getting married and moving to the ranch and I'll be alone, Al and Wyatt will someday leave ( maybe sooner than anyone knows teehee) and I'll be alone, Caleb has already moved out and I'm alone and my baby Will will soon be grown and gone and I'll be alone, alone, alone. "                        

Dim the lights.

Stage right:  A tiny light is seen and begins to grow as Cathy's grey matter births a brilliant idea.  "A puppy, I need a puppy." and still further, "And I'm not going to ask Robin, I'll show him what happens when he leaves me to go hunting."

The curtain closes as Cathy races out to rescue a puppy, ignoring the whispers in her mind, "don't do it, don't do it."  Might that have been the Holy Spirit?
Bear today
How could i resist?  This is Bear

.......ok you can stop reading like Joe Friday now. 

 Along about the same time, Remington, Seth's big, fat overweight chocolate lab who recently got invited to live with Seth on the ranch, has been expelled from the ranch due to eating the specially made engagement cupcakes from the kitchen table.  ( a touchy subject for another day).                     Dog #2 arrives on the scene.

Remington and Wyatt 
Remington and Bear

 Along, along about that same time, Caleb got a new job so he would be moving home for awhile.  Hip hip hooray, down with empty nesting.  But following close behind Caleb is the craziest blue healer pup you've ever met.  Enter dog #3, Bubba, the name says it all.  He is beautiful and sweet, just wild and crazy.
told ya, wild and crazy
who said dogs could get on my furniture?

Enter husband # 1 Robin, mad and not one bit amused at any of this tomfoolery (that means silly or foolish behavior).   that might describe me an itsy bitsy bit  

Thinking  back on that quiet Saturday morning I did I go from this...

From Me & My House to Me & My Zoo
Pantry Floor  

    5 adults

     one 7 year old

     3 dogs

     3 cats

I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world, what's a little smell and a grumpy husband????

But remember, laughter is good medicine and I have supplied ample doses to my neighbors who are probably peeking out of their windows at the crazy woman down the street.  I have often been seen picking up dog potty out of the neighbors yard in my best finery or chasing Bear down the street in the rain in my pajamas..... guess the dog obedience school hasn't kicked in yet.

 On a side note, did you know you can pay someone to come and pick up dog potty out of your yard?  Who would even want that job?

Well alright, until next time, keep laughing, its good medicine.

ps,  we'll never be alone with Jesus Christ, AMEN?

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Ridiculous in a Laughable Sort of Way

I'm so ridiculous, I just have to laugh at myself.  What a crazy life I'm living right now.  It's too laughable to keep to myself.

The other day I had to go get one of our license plates renewed.  Ahhh, what car might you ask?  Well, not my Buick...I had an  unfortunate incident a few weeks ago and burned the motor up, may it rest in peace.....  nor the suburban we bought to replace it with, that's on the selling block right now, turned out it had issues of its own,...... and not the big white jacked up suburban, I can't even hoist myself up into that one anymore, which leaves the only other dilapidated suburban that Robin drives, yes I think that was the one.  This one is Robin's work vehicle that he carries his "tools of his trade" in, aka paints and stains.  When you exit this vehicle you have lost years of brain cells and are high as a kite from the fumes.  No wonder his eyes are always dilated when he returns to his bride each night.  Anyway, returning to my ridiculous life, I walked into the government office and as usual, all eyes turn to you because everyone is trying to wait patiently, not so much though, and have nothing else to do but stare at the newcomers.  I take a seat with paper and purse in hand.  A nice young guy a couple of seats down told me that I could go ahead of him because, well, I can't remember why he said that, maybe he just wanted to watch the crazy woman show.  So when the worker woman was ready she said NEEEEXT.  I turned to the guy and asked if  he was sure, to which he replied "Yes Mam" ( will I ever get used to being called Mam?)  With all eyes on me,  I grabbed my paper and my backpack and stepped toward the desk when I was suddenly and violently yanked backwards, almost plopping me right  back down into the chair.  What in the world?  Turning to see what had jerked the life out of me from behind, I noticed that my purse strap and chair arm had become one, the strap had wrapped itself around the arm holding me captive.  Making eye contact with no one, I untangled myself and made my way to the desk.  I can assure you the nice young guy wanted to bust a gut laughing along with  everyone else witnessing my folly, but thankfully their mothers had taught them better than to laugh at the unfortunate.

Finishing my business I  turn to leave.  Thankfully I made it to the door without another incident.  As I started to walk out I realized I was in a shady part of town so I decided I'd better get my keys out before I ventured out..... so I stopped by the door to set my purse down in a chair and retrieve my keys.  Felt in my back jeans pocket..... no keys but heard a jingling/jangling sound......looked in my purse pocket.... no keys but heard a jingling/ jangling sound, felt in my front jeans pocket..... no keys, same sound.  Looked in both hands because at this point I could be holding them and wouldn't know it.... no keys but still that stinkin' jingling/jangling sound. I nonchalantly started scanning my area and behold, there were my keys, caught and hanging off the lace on the bottom of my shirt. 

At least I had on cute boots that day.
Another tangle, my fashion accessories were turning on me.  My next quandary was.... do I continue to amuse these people stuck in this office while I try to again figure out how to extricate myself from the keys tangled into the intricate lace on my clothing or go outside and risk being kidnapped while trying to free my keys?  I knew my family wouldn't appreciate having to do their own laundry if I got kidnapped so I decided to stay inside and give everyone another dose of "laughter is good medicine".  Therefore the show continued and I finally freed my keys from my clothing.  I thanked the crowd for being a good audience and left the stage.

So ridiculous and so funny.  A wink from God reminding me not to take myself too seriously and to remember  laughter is good medicine.

Oh, and to add to the ridiculousness of my life, did I tell you there are now 3, yes, 3 dogs living at my house?  More on that later.

Keep laughing, its good medicine.


Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Does God Wear Black and White Stripes

Having raised our 5 in Christian School, I obviously missed out on the way the "other half" play sports.  I don't say that in a bad way, I just had no idea of the excitement, scary as it is, how the parents and fans in other school arenas have a whole new sporting event happening along the sidelines and in the stands.

At our school, it was pretty much understood that we needed to mind our manners during a game.  After all, we wanted to be good witnesses to the teams we were playing.  We liked to pretend there was no "trash talk" going on on the field and if there was, surely it wasn't our sons talkin' it.  And I'm sure it was my imagination the few times that I saw the coach's head about to explode as one of the players hadn't done whatever the player was supposed to have done.  How awkward was that when the stands got quiet and that's all you heard, a screaming adult in the face of a kid.  I'm glad it wasn't my kid who was the recipient of that or I would have had to climb over bodies and march myself right onto that field and stop that foolishness.  No one yells at my kid 'cept me.  But overall, the players, coaches and even us parents were all pretty controlled and minded our p's and q's.

But the other night, I ventured into new territory.  Wyatt is playing basketball with UPWORDS, and might I add he's really good, so I thought it would be fun to take him to a high school game.  A friend of ours is a star player for a local  school so I knew Wyatt would enjoy watching him.  Wyatt was a little confused as to why he couldn't go down on the court with Isaiah because after all, when his uncles played at SACS, he was the star nephew and always got to hang around on the field. Sorry Wyatt.
 Wyatt and Uncle Will

But as the game began, so did the excitement.  I could hardly watch the game because of the whole new sporting event in the stands.  Fans yelling at fans, parents yelling at the players and oh my word, the poor guys that wear the black and white stripes, who wants that job anyway?????  And can I make a suggestion?  Could we possibly separate the fans?  It would have been a whole lot less stressful if the fans could sit on opposite sides of the gym, not 2 feet away from each other.  Me, being a peacemaker and an avoider of all awkward situations, almost had a heart attack sitting in the midst of opposing moms yelling at each other.  I would look at one screaming  mom and smile and then look at a different screaming mom and smile, all the while afraid for my life. I eventually stopped making eye contact. I can relate because we are all so passionate about our sports and our kids, but really?  I kept slinking lower and lower into my bleacher in case a riot erupted and I would have to squeeze through the bleacher seats with Wyatt to escape death.  And to repeat myself, who in the world would ever decide one day that they wanted to grow up to be a referee? Who wants to get yelled out and have their eyesight and credentials questioned?  Who?  In my mind, you never argue with the referee, what he says goes.  I saw different extremes during the game as far as the ref went.  Some kids totally ignored him and got in his face while others had utmost respect for him and his position and authority.  The fans did the same.  As I watched one young man getting called down by the ref, he immediately stopped what he was doing and gave the ref his total respect and attention, I took notice of him and how he and the ref interacted. But then I also saw the opposite and wondered why the ref just didn't make that gesture where he crosses his arms and yells, "Youuuu   are   oooout    ooooof   here".  (that's supposed to be really long and drawn out, get it?)

So here was my take away from that night.  My first silly thought was does God wear a black and white shirt?  Probably not.  My other thoughts were do I show total respect for Him and follow what He says or do I get in His face and argue my brains out with Him, trying to convince Him my way is better than His?  Yelling and screaming and kicking my feet, thinking that I know better, questioning His eyesight.  Am I like the young man who heard the referee blow his whistle and stopped and listened with utmost respect or like the masses working themselves up into a frenzy, wanting the game to be played their way?  Unfortunately, too many times I am probably, no not probably, I am the second, wanting my game to go my way, not the way of the perfect Authority who knows best, the author and perfecter of my faith.

I am so thankful that my Heavenly Father never puts his black and white referee shirt on, waves His arms in front of Him  and yells, "Cathy, You are out of here". Instead, I know that nothing will be able to separate me from His love. Even when I want the game to go according to my own plans.

Being ever so thankful,  keep giggling, its great medicine.


Thursday, February 26, 2015

Plug This "Thangy" Into This "Thangy"

What is it even called?  Why didn't I learn all these technical names and words? Why does it have to be so complicated?  I just want to turn the switch and have it come on, push the button and have it appear, plug it in and have it work.  Why can't I just point to "that thang" and it will describe it all and everyone will understand what it is????  Alas, I think technology has passed me by and I can't catch up.  I have too few words left and even less gray matter to grasp it all, I can't even figure out which remote to use to turn on the dumb TV or the video or the VCR "thang".

I was reminded of this a few days ago when I was in Fredricksburg at mom's house.  We were enjoying a technology free day when little sister Janet called on my cell and wanted to know why mother's phone wasn't working.  Our sweet little mom has several phones laying around, when you're 94 you can have whatever laying around that you want, and usually has one  phone in her pocket.  Perhaps, me thinks, they've been left off the "thangy" and the battery is dead.  So I venture over and start collecting phones seeing if there are any dial tones.  Nada, nothing, not happning.  I look at it, nothing, push a button, nothing, look at it again, nothing, push a button, nothing,  look at it again, still nothing. Then go pick up another extension and repeat the same.  Still nothing.  That's it, that's the extent of my knowledge.  I thought about going outside and yelling for any child to come help because they usually know more than I do.  But I didn't want to look like the crazy old woman that yells at kids from her front steps.  Where are my nephews when I need them? Mom's telephone is her best friend so I didn't want to alarm her but I had to ask who her phone carrier was so perhaps they could help.  So when we figured out who had her "bundle", ( TV, internet, phone, plumbing, electricity, water ), just kidding,  I called them hoping that they would just say, "oh, yes,honey,  you just hang up that sweet phone and I'll push this button and your phone will be back on and ready to go and you won't have to do anything."  Not the case.  As I began my wary approach into mom's room where I knew all the phone lines and emergency " help I've fallen and can't get up" line and computer lines are all found, I start hearing the music from the movie Jaws in my head. Can you hear it? Dun dunDun dun  Dun dun  Dundundundundundundun.....
A slow dread began ascending on me,  I knew what was waiting for me under the bed. Dundundundun 
"Don't be afraid of the enemy !  Remember the Lord, who is great and glorious"  Nehemiah 4:14     

 I can't even begin to tell you the conversation that followed.  I have blocked it out of my mind.  All I remember is I knew I was in trouble when the phone lady  started using terms like................well I can't even come up with the words she was using, but they were all those plug in "thangs".  She had to explain which black box I was having to look at and which plugs should be plugged where. 
Why so many different kinds of plugs?

At one point I had to say, ok, nice helper, this plug looks like a "thang" that I would plug into the wall if it were a lamp plug, is that what you mean?  I'm sure she was rolling her eyes.  Mom was right there assisting me with the whole experience.  At one point, I was hearing in one ear, " Ok, Mrs. Chesser, unplug blah blah and then plug the blah blah blah blah blah".  In the other ear I was hearing " Tell her that I am 94 and can not be without my phone because if something happened to me I would need to call someone to come and help me".  And then right in the middle of that blessing, my body started heating up from the inside out and an oh so sweet hot flash ripped through my body. Dun  dun  dun  dun  dun  dun     Dundundundundundundundun  

Good news is, I was able to change around a couple of phones so that they would work until a technician could get there to help us fix our "thangs".


Keep laughing, laughter is good medicine.



Tuesday, December 9, 2014


Oh no, I've turned into that woman.  The grandmother who wants to tell all her funny, precious, darling, wonderful stories about her one of a kind little dumplin grandchild.  That realization hit me like a brick when I was driving home from a friend's house last night.  So sorry Miriam, thank you for not allowing your eyes to glaze over and your nostrils to flare from trying to suppress a big fat yawn. 

Ok, so moving on.

I have this funny, precious, darling wonderful story about my one of a kind little dumplin grandchild that I know you are dying to hear.  

His handwriting assignment yesterday was to fill in this blank and then illustrate and label the picture.  The sentence was "My favorite part of Christmas is ______________________.  He didn't have to think about that for one minute.  His answers were Santa and presents.  Oh no no no, that answer quickly launched me into my holy lecture mode. I reminded him about our Sunday School lesson just the day before about getting wrapped up in our stuff at Christmas and how Christmas is not about getting but giving and how it's about the birth of Christ and not about Santa and and and and and and and.  Afterall, we go to a Christian school so we have to turn in the "correct" answer because after all, it is a reflection of me (can you still believe I let that cross my old mind?)  Wyatt tried a couple of times to  interject that he still liked presents and Santa but my rant wise counsel continued.  He finally looked at me and said " FINE, ( very elongated) my favorite part of Christmas is Jesus."
Jesus, Wyatt didn't mean to put you third after Santa and presents. 


I"m sorry, but that is pretty funny, precious, darling and wonderful,   What, at least I'm not telling you stories about my dog.!!!!!!!

Keep laughing,  much Christmas love to you

Sunday, December 7, 2014

That Was Priceless

In case your eyeballs are red and bloodshot from reading a certain person's much too long blog posts, here's a short and totally sweet one.

Setting:  Our home-school/office/dead animals hanging on the walls room.

Players:  Me, Alyrose, Wyatt and Papa

What was happening:  Me trying to figure out something on the computer as usual, how does this thing work anyway? Alyrose sitting nearby wishing she had never introduced me to the computer in the first place.  Wyatt, here and there and everywhere.  Papa,  in and out still trying to put stuff away after the wedding.
You might be a redneck if you look out your back window and see this spilling from the garage!!!

Earlier in the day:  Had a great morning at church.  Taught the children a new bible verse from 1 Timothy 6:18 "Be rich in good generous and willing to share."  We also "graced" the cars at church with one of these,   
It was great fun.

What happened that was so priceless:  So Wyatt came in eating a cookie.  About that same time, Papa came in from redneck village and asked Wyatt if he could have one of his cookies.  
Re-enactment, No I will not share my cookie
Wyatt, being the grandson of Mrs. Cookie Monster, aka, me, was not too eager to share his cookies with his Papa. 
No way  No how
So Papa, eager to have a cookie but also remembering the Bible lesson from earlier today, asked Wyatt what his verse was from this morning.  Aha, good thinking Papa.

Immediately, even without having to think about it, Wyatt made this hilarious sound, wish I could duplicate it, something like hmmph mixed with grrrrrrr, and promptly handed over the cookie to his Papa with a cute little snarl on his face.  When we all erupted with laughter the snarl turned to a grin.
The hand is willing to share, not sure about the face though   

Be rich in good deeds Wyatt and always share you cookies.  I love you Wyatt.  

When he gets a little older I'll explain to him that if he will hide the cookies and eat them alone, they don't have calories and you don't have to share.

Until next time, remember to laugh, its good medicine.

Oh and ps, happy birthday to my bestest friend and sister Carol.  I love you.